Title: A Million to One
Subject: Jeff Wayne's Musical Version of The War of the Worlds
TFL Category: Albums (Jeff Wayne)
Opened: 9 February 2006
Members: 14 (0)
Last Updated: 27 March 2022
I've loved this album since I was a child. It's a terrific adaptation of H.G. Well's The War of the Worlds, and was my first encounter with that story. Both the dramatised narrative sections and Jeff Wayne's music are excellent. It includes some wonderful songs, such as 'Forever Autumn' and 'Thunderchild'.
Title: Darkness and Light
Subject: The Village Soundtrack
TFL Category: Albums (Soundtracks)
Opened: 12 September 2006
Members: 7 (0)
Last Updated: 27 March 2022
Beautiful, haunting soundtrack to the M.Night Shyamalan movie 'The Village', by James Newton Howard.
See also Radio for albums in the 'audio dramas' subcategory
Title: Blue Touches Blue
Subject: Noa (Achinoam Nini)
TFL Category: Musician: Female
Opened: 30 June 2006
Members: 7 (0)
Last Updated: 27 March 2022
One of my favourite singers, a talented songwriter with a gorgeous voice. She also uses her art to promote peace and understanding between Jews and Arabs.
Title: Celtic Soul
Subject: Clannad
TFL Category: Musicians: Bands/Groups
Opened: 25 May 2007
Members: 26 (0)
Last Updated: 27 March 2022
One of my favourite bands for many years. A contemporary sound routed in traditional Irish music, and capabale of an ethereal beauty.
Title: Sleeping Sun
Subject: Sleeping Sun by Nightwish
TFL Category: Songs: Bands/Groups N-Z
Opened: 28 September 2008
Members: 19 (0)
Last Updated: 27 March 2022
This beautiful ballad is one of my favourite (non-classical) songs overall, and my favourite by Nightwish.