1. This listing is open to all fans of The Village soundtrack.
2. Please give your real name (or a realistic nick-name) and country of residence. Only your first name is required.
3. You do not need a website to join, but please provide a valid email address. This is so I can send a confirmation email when you are added to the listing, and let you know if the site moves etc. You can choose to hide your email address on the listing if you wish, and I will not use it for any other purpose.
4. If you do have a website a link back to is greatly appreciated. Buttons for linking can be found here. I reserve the right not to list sites I consider inappropriate.
5. Please try to keep your information up-to-date. If you are already listed and there is any information you would like changed or added, please use the update form.
Fill out the form below to join this fanlisting. Please note: this form is for joining only! If you wish to update your member information, please click here.
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