Title: Last Farewell
Subject: Bilbo's Last Song
TFL Category: Literature (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Opened: 26 February 2006
Members: 26 (0)
Last Updated: 27 March 2022
This poem is a kind of epilogue to The Lord of the Rings, which was published after Tolkien's death. It's a haunting poem, that speaks of Bilbo's final journey from Grey Havens. The mixture of the sadness of parting from loved ones but also the joy of looking forward to a final homecoming touches me, and this poem has been a favourite ever since I first heard it.
Title: Stranger in a Strange Land
Subject: The Gandalara Cycle
TFL Category: Literature (Randall Garrett and Vicki Ann Heydron)
Opened: 4 July 2006
Members: 18 (0)
Last updated: 27 March 2022
A relatively recent discovery for me, this is a sci-fi/fantasy series with an exciting plot and an original concept that deserves to be better known.
Title: Hidden Lives
Subject: Middlemarch
TFL Category: Literature (George Eliot)
Opened: 18 September 2006
Members: 5 (0)
Last Updated: 27 March 2022
A long standing favourite of mine, and one of the great novels of the 19th century. It is a story about different journeys from youthful dreams and idealism to experience, and shows George Eliot's wonderful observation of human character and her vision of a moral life based on sympathy for all humanity. This fanlisting also covers the BBC TV mini-series
Title: Timeless Moments
Subject: Four Quartets
TFL Category: Literature (T.S. Eliot)
Opened: 27 October 2006
Members: 9 (0)
Last Updated: 27 March 2022
These poems are a meditation on time and the nature of reality. Many of their passages have been of great significance to me. I chose them as the subject of my undergraduate dissertation, and I still love them!
Title: Shadows of Twilight
Subject: Elrond
TFL Category: Characters: Book/Movie (Lord of the Rings, The and other Middle-earth Books)
Opened: 1 August 2008
Members: 109 (77)
Last updated: 23 April 2023
One of my favourite characters from Tolkien's Middle-earth books. The fanlisting was integrated into my already-existing Elrond fansite.