Torchwood Official Site
The Institute - Torchwood fansite, including screencaps
John Barrowman official site
Matt Rippy official site
Captain Jack Dancing - clip from the Torchwood episode
"Stay" - Music video by Roman Cowboy (to the song by Shakespeare's Sister)
"Memories" - Music video by Karana (song by Within Temptation)
If you own a related fanlisting and are interested in affiliating, please contact me.
Torchwood images and trademarks are © BBC Wales. No profit is being made from this site, and it has no connection with BBC Wales, or anyone connected with the Torchwood series. It is created by a fan, for entertainment purposes only.
Layout designed in Photoshop 7 and coded using AceHTML webeditor. Images from The Institute, textures from Fractured Sanity and Misplaced Moments.
PHPfanbase script from
Many thanks to Carol for providing webspace.